Friday 19 November 2010

Photography Development

Here are the first images I took in the development in photography towards my music magazine. I am aware that the images are not perfectly suited to the chosen genre nor the poses, however used this an experiment to consider camera angles in more depth. Also to see what effects would work best in my magazine using Photoshop and publisher to develop my skills.
 In this first image chosen I first noticed that the original colours were definitely not appropriate for the magazine as the other existing products shown they use effects to dim the colours in the image to give a blended effect also reflecting on the target audience of a laid back manor with simple yet effective ways to enhance a photo without making any drastic changes. 
Therefore I used Photoshop to do this. I opened the picture into the ‘edit and enhance’ area on the Photoshop programme. Doing so by clicking, ‘Enhance’ , ‘Colour settings’ and ‘Adjust Hue/Saturation’. The adjusting hue/ saturation tool adds to the simple yet effective look similar tool to which the other magazines would have to create their effect, to add to the realism of the magazine as an official selling brand within the genre up against others.

Original image- before edits:
New Edited Image:

I then went on to do the same effects and tool on a second image. However this one looking into singular person shots, with medium close ups linking to what could be further developed into a cover image. Again the colours link to the realism of the image in the specific genre I have chosen, and the pose being more preferable to it.

Original image- before edits:
The editing in progress-in Photoshop:  
New Edited Image:

Original image- before edits:
The editing in progress-in Photoshop:
Here shows how the image is developing into the final edited piece, when adjusting the hue and saturation using the scroll bars. This also showed to be a quick and easy tool to use which create a dramatic effect on the images, and automatically made them more appealing and suitable to a Indie-Pop magazine.
New Edited Image:

After experimenting with Photoshop and discovering editing the Hue/Saturation of the images to reflect and show more similarities to existing photography in Indie-Pop magazines, was most suitable to do this I have therefore benefited alot from testing this out with some sample images and will definitely use this within my real images for my magazine.
It also gave me the opportunity to increase my skills when working with and around a camera, to ensure when I went to take the specific images for my magazine I would be suitable and professional, to save time when trying to create the image I want.

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