Wednesday 8 December 2010

Photography For Cover And Double Page Spread

Here show a few of the images I took in which would be considered for my final music magazine. When taking these images I knew I wanted them to be specifically for the cover shot and my double page spread. However not having a clear set idea or image I decided to use different props (chair, camera, electric guitar, chandelier, accessories) and experiment with angles, shots etc. I chose to use a girl for the cover shot out of personal choice and feel if used rightly it won’t affect the target audience to a specific genre. I also ensured the model looked, dressed and posed in a certain way to link to the genre after researching into the most popular for Indie-Pop at existing magazines, in my research section. The set and background of the images was also important for me to consider, as I used a simpler set, (cream plain background, painted walls and carpet in a corner, with an added effective looking rocking chair). This was used to emphasise the model as the key focus being portrayed as such a superior artist, and to create a good lighting for the images. However for a more realistic look this could be developed into a plain white screen background if it was possible, like existing magazines do.

For the cover of my magazine, I had a specific idea in my head of what I wanted to portray.
I am very pleased with the photography I have carried out for my magazine, and have chosen two images which i will consider for my Cover page, and two which both will be included on the double page Spread. I have also edited the Hue/Saturation of the images in the Photoshop Programme as i said i would in my 'Photography Development' section, to add to the house style of the magazine and to best suit the existing photography already, used in Indie-Pop magazines.
After creating my MastHead, I have inserted the two images I will consider for my Cover.
When choosing which image to use I have to take into account all the elements within each picture. Option one shows the model showing a more intriguing pose, with a confused face. I like this image as the props are also more involved within the model, and the sat straight up pose gives an open, easy on the eye appearance.
The second image however I feel is the one I am going to choose. This is because I feel within the photograph the eye contact the model is giving create a, dramatic and effective atmosphere and style. Also I feel it has a more realistic look to which an existing Indie-Pop magazine may use. Also as the head scarf, one of my purposely added props to fit with the Indie-Pop theme, is more emphasised within the second picture as it is not cover by the masthead. I also feel the picture is overall more effective as a cover shot, that gives an interesting take on the models personality, in which the target audience would know as one of their admired artists.

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