Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Re-Submission Changes

 As I have decided to re-submit my coursework for AS level media, to get the best possible grade I can achieve I have decided to take the opportunity to tweak and change a few things on  my original 'Final Copy'.

Firstly I have decided to add more of my photography into my magazine. to show a wider range of skills and to use a wider use of models. However i had the issue of adding more than one or too many pictures on one page, would affect the house style and genre my magazine represents. As I focused clearly on replicating the same sort of genre as the successful magazine 'INDIE', this shows evidence of the genre and style being over simplistic, focusing on the artistry of an image and the creative but simple layouts within each page. Here are more example pages of the magazine i have re-researched to find ways of adding more images without taking anything away from the representation of the genre...

After looking more into this specific magazine and others within the genre 'Indie', it has given me inspiration and ideas influencing theirs on which i could take myself. As i still have to stick with the simple House Style, i have decided a good way of including more photography into my Magazine whilst at the same time including more conventions of existing magazines would be to include an album advertisement.

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